Thursday, June 4, 2009

Response from Con to Sue's email

I can't tell you how thrilled I am that you are all so committed to your paths and to continuing together to support one another.

Here are my responses to your excellennt questions:

1. For our monthly session with you, do you have any preference to a
weekday and a time to meet with us over VP?
My preference is a weekday (Mon through Thurs). If we do it, say, 4:00 my time, that would be 7:00 your time.

2. Would you like us to give you a topic or a theme for our monthly
discussion or we allow Paularyo to take the lead. He may know what
our group would benefit learning that month.
I thought it would be a 'coaching' class - that is, I would coach you in using the tools and answer any questions you have.

If you want Paularyo to be present, we will need an interpreter. Do you have an interpreter who would volunteer for this? If not, we need to build the interpreter fees into the class fees.
My fee for channeling is higher than my fee for teaching/coaching.

If we do a coaching class - we would have a list of topics before the meeting. If we do a group channeling, we would allow Paularyo to lead it.

3. Your rates: Our monthly vp sessions - how long will our session
be with you; one hour or 90 minutes?
I was thinking an hour.

A VP session with a group - for a half day? (it just came to my
mind of a half day workshop with the greater community that some of
us can coordinate) Or a full day, either with your presence or over
phone. (technology will be worked out later) We have the potential
to attract a large group here in Maryland.
I love both ideas! The fee would depend on so many things: how many days, how much channeling you want me to do, verses how much teaching/coaching you want me to do. Let me talk to Sheryl about this and get back to you.

A weekend retreat like last weekend - How much would that be? 2
separate rates: Working with us in your presence and working with us
over phone.
The fee would depend on so many things: how many days, how much channeling you want me to do, verses how much teaching/coaching you want me to do. Let me talk to Sheryl about this and get back to you.

----Let's keep this conversation going and figure out what would be the best for all.

Sending much love warm hugs,

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